Z And Q A Children's Boutique Is Our Local Business Spotlight In St. Cloud FL
Z And Q A Children’s Boutique Is The LocalBusiness Spotlight In St. Cloud FL For This Segment Of OurPodcast
Jeanine will be interviewing Stephanie Milfeld who is the ownerof Z And Q A Children’s Boutique in St. Cloud, FL at 1037 NewYork Ave. Z And Q’s Boutique will be the first business spotlight for this segment of ourpodcast. Welcome to the 18th episode of Discover St. CloudFlorida.
Jeanine began the interview inside of the Z And Q AChildren’s Boutique store by asking Stephanie how long thestore has been open and the reason she opened her business?
Video Podcast Of Z And Q AChildren's Boutique Is Our Local BusinessSpotlight
They have been open for just short of four years now shereplied. Stephanie explained the reason that she opened her storewas beside the major retailers there weren’t a lot of optionsfor children’s stores. Stephanie wanted to contribute to herlocal community by giving back and as a result, every brand shebrings into her store must give back as well to a community,organization, or cause.
Jeanine asked Stephanie what organizations she contributes topersonally? She replied that Z and Q A Children’s Boutique contributesto the Osceola Education Foundation. They have a gift for teachingprogram that she contributes to. They help restock school suppliesat the Gift For Teaching store. This store is for teachers at TitleOne schools for their classrooms specifically. She said ourboutique donates extra clothing to the Help Now Osceolaorganization. Their focus is on helping victims that are part ofdomestic violence situations and attempting to leave them.
The Name For Z And Q AChildren’s Boutique Came From The Owner'sChildren’s Names
Stephanie was asked by Jeanine to share a bit of her background.She said she is a native of Osceola County. She grew up here andgraduated from high school here as well. Stephanie is the mother oftwo girls named Zoey and Quinn.
The initials of their first names represent the name of thestore. She is married to a firefighter/paramedic. Her husband wasrecently promoted to Captain. Stephanie is a member of the localPTO and donates her time there as well.
Jeanine wanted Stephanie to share how it is that she is servingthe people in the community of St. Cloud FL? She is a member of thedowntown St. Cloud business group. Stephanie also serves on theirboard. She is involved with many of the downtown activities whichinclude the monthly market committee.
Jeanine then asked if the monthly market downtown is held on thelast Wednesday of each month? Stephanie answered that yes, it is.She continued that during the summer months of June and July theonly vendors allowed are those of age 21 or younger. This is calledthe “young entrepreneurs’ market”.
August is the one month when we take a break. We start back upin the month of September. The time for each market is from 5-9 PM.Stephanie stated they have music, many different vendors, and foodtrucks. The local stores remain open until late to accommodate thepeople attending. It is a fun time for all.
Over 100 Vendors Attend Each Monthly Market DowntownSaint Cloud FL
Jeanine inquired about the number of vendors that attend eachmarket. Stephanie said that they average over 100 vendors eachmonth and that number continues to grow. Jeanine commented that sheeven moved the staff meeting she holds each month so itdidn’t overlap with the timing of the monthly market so herstaff could go and enjoy it.
They then moved on to Jeanine asking Stephanie what she wasselling the most of in her store. Stephanie said between the swimdiapers and the simply Tote bags it’s probably a tie. Jeanineloves those tote bags and purchased two of them herself. Those totebags are durable Stephanie said and holds everything moms need. Youcan even use a hose and rinse them out.
The swim diapers are re-usable and that is one of the mainreasons why they are selling well. They also will fit kids weighingfrom 6 to 36 pounds she stated. While children are being pottytrained these swim diapers are a must. Stephanie was asked byJeanine about the charms you can put on the tote bag. She said youcan add them making the bag unique to you and your taste.
Stephanie Was Asked Her Opinion On Why People ShouldMove To St. Cloud Florida?
Jeanine asked Stephanie for her opinion on why people shouldmove to Saint Cloud. What is attractive about St. Cloud is thesmall-town vibe even though the community is growing. When you gogrocery shopping you see people you know.
Businesses in town work with each other and help one another.She said if someone is looking for something in particular and Idon’t carry it, I will tell them where they would be able tobuy it.
The wonderful thing about this community is the people going outof their way to help others Stephanie said. She was then asked byJeanine if she knew what other businesses carried? She replied thatthey try to stay up on what other businesses have so we can helpthem.
She continued that most of the local businesses in St. Cloud areunique in what they carry so there isn’t a lot ofduplication. She loves sending people to other businesses.
Stephanie was asked what one place she would recommend tosomeone who is new to Saint Cloud? She said with so many greatplaces to choose from that is difficult to answer. If she were tonarrow it down to one place, that place would be Shop DK on11th Street.
They are all about home décor. It’s the perfectplace for someone who is moving to Saint Cloud. They carry rugs,house plants, lighting, planters, comforters and so much more.
Z and Q Boutique Does Facebook Live Sales So You CanShop In Your Pajamas
Jeanine asked Stephanie to let people know how they can findyour amazing Z and Q Boutique? She replied we can be found onFacebook and Instagram @ZandQboutique. She continued by saying thatZ And Q does a live sale every month. People can shop in theirpajamas right from their living room. Stephanie said herchildren’s boutique is open 7 days a week.
She said her recent Facebook Live event was very successful.Jeanine followed up on that and asked if she had any advice forbusiness owners wanting to try the same thing? Stephanie said justjump in and try it. Don’t get overwhelmed as it is somethingnew just hang with it and you’ll get the hang of it.
While you aren’t physically with people in person it stillhas the feel of a party. Stephanie was asked by Jeanine if saleswere generated because of the live event? She said they were, itwas fantastic.
Jeanine thanked Stephanie for being the first business we putthe spotlight on this segment of our podcast. We hope you enjoyedthis podcast featuring Z And Q A Children’s Boutique as ourvery first local business spotlight In St. Cloud FL. This will be amonthly focus for Discover St. Cloud Florida. Visit the videosource here.