St. Cloud Florida Elementary Schools
Jeanine Corcoran And Kristin Macari Review The 7 St.Cloud Florida Elementary Schools
St. Cloud Florida Elementary Schools are the focus oftoday’s 13th episode of Discover St. CloudFlorida. Jeanine Corcoran, broker of Corcoran Connect will beyour host and she is joined by her co-host Kristin Macari owner ofStudio Nine 13. Today, they will review the 7 Saint Cloud FLElementary schools.
The elementary schools in St. Cloud Florida are an importanttopic for those who are new to the area. Jeanine said that thereare 7 elementary schools in Saint Cloud, FL. These 7 do not includeCharter schools in Osceola County.
Kristin stated that you will have a home zoned school and youcan apply during the open choice program to get into other schoolsif you like. It is a difficult process as it is based onavailability and open seats. Jeanine stated that she thinks whatparents get confused on is that if you have open choice does notmean a school will accept your child. One reason for this is if theschool is already at capacity, they do not have to accept yourchild.
Kristin shared that there are some special programs at theelementary schools that you can apply for that may give you alittle bit more of an advantage. She continued that whenconsidering purchasing a home in St. Cloud, you may want toconsider where the home is located and what school zone it fallsinto.
The Osceola County School District Website Provides TheEntire List Of Elementary Schools
Jeanine mentioned that the 7 St. Cloud Florida elementaryschools she is going to review aren’t in any order orpreference other than going in alphabetical order from the listthat is available on the Osceola County School District website.View source video.
The first elementary school is HarmonyCommunity School. Harmony is a sub-division of St. Cloud,Florida. Sandra Davenport is the Principal there and the enrollmentthere now is 890 students. The overall grade for this schoolhasn’t been updated since February 2091 because of Covid. Thelast grade they received was an “A”.
The Harmony Community School was the first school to receive“Lighthouse” status in Osceola County. This means thatthey used the Stephen Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People intheir school system.
Kristin was reciting what the Stephen Covey method stood for andwas all about and Jeanine was impressed that she rememberedeverything. Kristin remembered many of the key attributesincluding, the win-win, beginning with the end in mind, sharpeningthe saw, which is continuing education, seeking first to understandand then to be understood, encouraging listening before you respondwhich are all a lot of great life habits.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People By Stephen Covey IsApplied In The Harmony Community School
Kristin confessed that she did read the book, so she cameprepared. She said that it is a cool thought process and all aboutpersonal responsibility. Jeanine thinks it is great that studentsget to learn all about it. Harmony Community school is fantasticand has a lot of great programs with tons of great activities goingon at any given moment. It is in the community of Harmony onSchoolhouse road and the mascot name is the“Shorthorns”.
The second school is HickoryTree Elementary which is on Old Hickory Tree road. ThePrincipal there is Alison Doe. Their mascot is the“Hawks”. Their enrollment total is 671 which is a lotlower than Harmony. Their school grade from 2019 was a“B”.
Kristin said she hears a lot of wonderful things about theHickory Tree Elementary school and people wanting to bring theirkids there. They were both surprised that their enrollment numberswere so low.
Jeanine announced the following events at their school withdates. On March 2nd – 8th they have abook fair, March 8th there is a SAC meeting and on March24th is a “dress down day” where studentscan dress more casually.
The Hickory Tree Elementary School Website Was The MostInformative And Complete
Jeanine pointed out that when you go to the Osceola CountySchool District website, they have links to all the schools in thecounty. All the websites were all in a uniform standard formathowever, Jeanine wanted to give kudos to Principal Alison Doe. TheHickory Tree Elementary website had all the pertinent informationon the Homepage.
Jeanine also noticed that not all websites have a letter fromthe principal, so she had a tough time finding who was thePrincipal at certain schools. And finally, the calendar of eventstab was on all websites, however, when you clicked on it most ofthem were empty.
That’s why Jeanine was able to find the list of events forHickory Tree for March, it was right there and easy to find. Forall the other Principals that are listening, go look at the HickoryTree website because whoever is handling it did a great job.
The third school is LakeviewElementary. They are the home of the Dolphins. They have 655students currently enrolled in grades K-5. In 2019 they were a“B” rated school. They are located right off5th street in St. Cloud, FL. They are having a“Spring Fling” on March 26th a “dashwith a splash” 5K run.
The Narcoossee Elementary School In St. Cloud FL Is TheMost Populated In Osceola County
The fourth school is the MichiganAvenue Elementary school, and they are the home of theBullpups. They have 768 students, and they were rated a“B” in 2019. They do what’s called a Bullpup ofthe month. In each homeroom once a month a student gets picked andthey go to the cafeteria and have Chick-fil-A and get added to thewall of fame.
The fifth school is Narcoossee Elementary School home of the"Bear Cubs". They have 1,327 students which is themost populated elementary school in Osceola County. Jeanine addedthat from a real estate perspective the growth is on Narcoosseeroad. They were rated a “B” school from 2019 and thePrincipal there is Scott Noble.
Kristin said that Narcoossee is a highly sought-after schoolthat is contributing to people moving into that area. Jeanine alsomentioned that they a writeup on their website about the incomingkindergarteners which is March 8th from 4:30 –6:00 PM. Jeanine didn’t see this on any other website butNarcoossee’s. They were the first school to become a“Lighthouse” school virtually in Osceola County.
The sixth school is NeptuneElementary. They have 907 students and in 2019 they were rateda “C” school. They are located off Neptune on BetsyRoss Lane by Anthem Park. They did have some event on theircalendar for March 10th and that is “pictureday”.
The St. Cloud Elementary School Robotics Team Has BeenInvited To The World Competition In Dallas
The seventh school is St.Cloud Elementary School home of the "Shooting Stars".Dr. Amy Flowers is the Principal there. They have 798 students andin 2019 they were a “B” school. The Robotics team fromthis school has been invited to go to the World Competition inDallas, Texas. They are the only school in Osceola County to havebeen invited to this competition.
They have the potential to bring 2 teams and maybe as many as 4teams depending on how much money they can raise. It’s $1,200just to compete and that doesn’t include travel or housing,etc. It is an expensive event, so they are looking for sponsors.Kristin said it is cool for St. Cloud to be on the map. Some peoplethink St. Cloud, FL is just a cow town and that is the furthestfrom the truth.
We hope you enjoyed Jeanine and Kristin walking you through areview of the St. Cloud Florida Elementary schools. We want to keepyou up to date with the amazing events and places to visit andenjoy in St. Cloud, FL.
Barbara Corcoran, Jeanine’s sister will be joining theDiscover Harmony Florida podcast as our guest on one of ourupcoming podcasts in March. Barbara has her own podcast calledBusiness Unusual. If you have any questions that you would likeBarbara to answer on the podcast, send them here and we will do our best to have her answerthem.