St. Cloud FL Real Estate Transactions For November 2021
St. Cloud Real Estate Transactions Report ShowsInteresting Metrics In November
Jeanine Corcoran, the broker of Corcoran Connect, gives areport on St. Cloud FL real estatetransactions for November 2021. She will be joined by her co-host,Kristin Macari owner of Studio Nine 13. Welcome to the 7th episodeof Discover St. Cloud Florida.
Kristin asked Jeanine what happened in the St. Cloud real estatemarket in November 2021. Jeanine replied that she decided to breakdown the real estate market report by zip code. She said there are4 zip codes and thought it would be easier to separate the realestate transactions in each of those areas. The source video can befound here.
Jeanine started with the St. Cloud FL zip code 34769 where therewere 39 homes that sold in November. The average price per sq. ft.for those 39 homes sold was $193.49 overall. The lowest house thatsold was $299,900 and that was its listing price. That house was on1711 E. Clinton Drive which is in Lorraine Estates.
Saint Cloud FL Home Values Continue To Increase VersusThe Prior Year
In comparison, the lowest priced home in St. Cloud FL last yearin November in the 34769 zip code sold for $150K. The price per sq.ft. in 2020 was $168.80. That presents a 15% increase year overyear for November 2020 versus November 2021.
The highest-priced St. Cloud home in zip code 34769 was listedat $385K and sold for $395K. This home is in Heritage Place at 520Cody Allen Court. The total square footage was 1,842 and it soldfor cash. It is a 4-bedroom, 2 bathroom that was built in 2016.That equates to $214 per sq. ft.
Housing Market Statistics In Saint Cloud Show HeftyIncreases In The Price Per Square Foot Metric
Now, let’s move to zip code 34771. There were 57 homesthat solid in this zip code in November 2021. The average price persq. ft. was $207.69 for the homes that sold. Last year in Novemberthe price per sq. ft. was $147.88 which is a 40% increase.Important to note that there is a lot of new construction in zipcode 34771 which adds to these increases.
The lowest-priced home was listed for $224,900 and sold for$213K. It was an FHA loan. The address is 1610 Trout Blvd. and had930 sq. ft. of living space. It was a 3-bedroom, 1 full bathroom,and a half bathroom and was built in 1960. The price per sq. ft.was $229.00.
The highest-priced home that sold was listed for $1.47M and soldfor $1.4M. It was a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bathrooms and a cash sale thatwas built in 2004. The price per sq. ft. was $280. It is alakefront property which obviously contributed to the higherprice.
New Construction Homes In St. Cloud FL Contributing ToIncreases In Real Estate Transactions
Moving now to the 34772 zip code where there has been a lot ofnew construction going on as well. There were 53 homes that sold inNovember 2021. The average price per sq. ft. for the homes thatsold was $198.67. In the month of November 2020, there were also 53homes sold. And, last year's average price per sq. ft. forNovember was $149.59. That is a 33% increase.
The lowest-priced home that sold this past November was listedfor $279K and sold for $269K. The lowest-priced home that sold inNovember 2020 was $235K. The home had 1,280 sq. ft. and had 3bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and was built in 1987. It was in the St.Cloud Manor Village and the price per sq. ft. was $210 and was acash sale.
The highest-priced home that sold in November 2021 was listed at$2.215M and sold for $2M. The highest-priced home that sold inNovember 2020 went for $900K. The home that sold for $2.0M was on2680 Cherokee Rd and had 16.2 acres. The home has 4,494 sq. ft. ofliving space. It has 5 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms and was built in1994. The price per square foot was $445.
Many Variables Go Into The Price Per Square Foot Metric– Buyer Beware
Kristin added that the homes in Saint Cloud are a nice mix ofnew construction, recent construction, and older homes includingsome historical homes. We mention the price per sq. ft. a lotbecause customers use it but remember there is so much that goesinto arriving at that number and every home is different.
Jeanine added that all the metrics that are used online when itcomes to listings are computer-generated. There are so manyvariables that go into pricing a home that is not caught using thismodel. For example, you may have 10 acres and your neighbor has¾ of an acre, the computer compares the houses and gives aprice per sq. ft. So, this metric is not accurate.
A home with less square footage can sell for more than a largehome simply because of the acreage and upgrades done in the homethat a computer would never catch. Therefore, it is essential tohave a qualified appraiser come out to your home, so every detailis accounted for, and your home is priced properly. Otherwise, ifit is not done correctly, the home can sit on the market for awhile with no movement and you end up being frustrated.
St. Cloud FL Real Estate Agency Can Help You Price YourProperly To Avoid Sitting On The Market
Jeanine and her entire team of real estate agents are skilled in helping toproperly price your home, so it sells in the shortest amount oftime. Don’t hesitate to give Corcoran Connect a call,they would be happy to help you in this area.
We hope you enjoyed this episode covering the St. Cloud FL realestate transactions report for November 2021. CorcoranConnect wants to keep all existing and potential residents inSt. Cloud up to date with the housing market news andstatistics.