Harmony Community Garden: A New Episode In The Love Harmony Florida Series

Harmony Community Garden:  A New Episode In The Love Harmony Florida Series
Harmony Community Garden

Did You Know That Harmony,Florida Residents Can Grow Their Own Produce At The HarmonyCommunity Garden?

The Harmony Community Garden is a shared garden space whereresidents can grow and care for their own produce. And in this newvideo for Love Harmony, Florida, Corcoran Connectfounder Jeanine Corcoran talks about this beloved communitygarden.

Love Harmony, Florida is a series that highlights the joys of living in this smalltown. As a proud resident herself, Jeanine takesviewers on a virtual trip to this green community.

Let’s zoom in on our virtual Harmony, Florida map, andexplore yet another reason to love this Central Floridaparadise.

The Harmony Community Garden: Bringing To Life ThePromise Of Sustainability

Harmony is a walkable community so you will not have troublewith Harmony Community Garden directions. Like most places in thistown, it’s a short walk from the Town Square. In the garden,you will find various pot sizes. This allows the residents to growas much or as little as they want. All they have to do is contacttheir community manager to sign up.

The community garden is one way that Harmony promotessustainability and healthy living. Aside from being good for theenvironment, gardening and planting also support overall health. Itcalms the mind and boosts self-esteem.

It encourages more frequent consumption of fruits andvegetables, especially among kids.  Instead of purchasingpre-packed produce, Harmony residents can grow their own and enjoythe process. Many residents come here as a family. Gardening is agreat way to introduce children to the joys and benefits of greenliving.

And because you have to visit the garden on a regular basis, italso promotes camaraderie among neighbors. The community gardencreates a space for bonding. It encourages residents to nurture,not just their plants, but also their friendships.

Communal spaces, like gardens and parks, have a huge impact on acommunity’s quality of life. One study suggested that“greening” (picking up trash and cutting the grass)vacant lots helped curb violence in poor neighborhoods in a majorU.S. metropolis by nearly 30%.

Harmony Community Parks And More

In addition to the community garden, Harmony has plenty of parksthat are easily accessible for jogging or cycling. The largest isLakeshore Park which stretches along the south shore of Buck Lake.It has a covered playground, a soccer field, a basketball court,and walking trails, among other amenities. There is also a park fordogs, which includes a dog wash.

Residents can also go on a picnic near Cat Lake or host anoutdoor event with a picturesque view. Harmony has community-ownedboats and kayaks which can be used to explore Buck Lake. And if youlike long walks, you will love the 12.5 miles of walking trailsthroughout this community. Many of these lead to the town’snature preserves.

Discover The Natural Beauty Of Harmony

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For more information about the Harmony Community Garden orHarmony itself, visit our website. Or give us a call today.We’d love to help you!