American Health & Life Group Is Our St. Cloud Florida Local Business Spotlight

American Health & Life Group Is Our St. Cloud Florida Local Business Spotlight
American Health & Life Group Is Our St. Cloud Florida Local Business Spotlight

St. Cloud FL Local Business Spotlight Is On AmericanHealth & Life Group Owned By Kim Kirsch

American Health & Life Group is proud to partner with theHealthcare Solutions Team. Jeanine Corcoran broker of CorcoranConnect interviews Kim Kirsch in this month’s episode asher companyis our St. Cloud Florida local business spotlight for this month.Welcome to the 21st episode of Discover St. Cloud Florida.

Jeanine and Kristin were chatting prior to Jeanine’sinterview with Kim and saying how American Health & Life Groupcan sell insurance from numerous insurance carriers and build you aplan that fits you perfectly as a result.

Jeanine started the interview by asking Kim to introduce hercompany. She said her company name is American Health & LifeGroup and we are proud partners with Healthcare Solutions Team.Jeanine followed up and asked Kim how long she has owned herbusiness? Kim replied that it has been five years since she startedher business.

Jeanine then asked why did she decide to start her business andchose insurance as her niche? Kim said that she was a writer andhelped online businesses develop content that made them money. Shewanted to try something different and picked insurance as she isable to help people on a daily basis who are in need of qualityinsurance.

Jeanine is a client of Kim’s. Kim helped her with a policythat was perfect for her. Jeanine complimented Kim and stated thatyou will not be pushed by Kim. She will build the perfect plan foryour and your family’s needs.

Who Is The Founder Of American Health & LifeGroup?

Kim said she has no problem telling people if they choose orhave a current plan that is not right for them. She said peoplewill get the truth about their current plan and where they need tobe.

Jeanine asked Kim to let people know who she is if they are notfamiliar with her already in the community. Kim said that she isfirst and foremost a Christian, a mother, a wife, and now a newgrandmother. She does her best to be a great friend and also a goodneighbor. Kim added that she loves the community in St. Cloud andbeing involved in everything she possibly can.

Jeanine then asked Kim what product sells best for her and why?Kim replied that her most popular product is the plan enhancer. Sheexplained that this is an add-on product and can go with any kindof insurance that you have. It works with any plan.

She continued and said if you are in an accident and go to thehospital and are there overnight, the plan enhancer will cover yourdeductible. If someone is diagnosed with a stroke, heart attack, orcancer this add-on plan will pay for your deductible.

If by chance your deductible has been met, then you are givenwhat the policy was originally written for whether it be $5,000 or$10,000. The client's max out of pocket will be taken care ofby the plan enhancer.

American Health & Life Group Offers Free PolicyReviews For St. Cloud Residents

Jeanine shifted gears to the St. Cloud community. She asked Kimhow she uniquely serves St. Cloud and the people who live there?Kim stated that she can uniquely serve the Saint Cloud community byoffering free policy reviews. As a broker, she is not tied to justone company. She can search for everything that is available andfind the absolute best plan and price point that fits yourbudget.

Jeanine asked Kim about other things that she has done in thepast that have worked well for people. Kim said that being a brokerallows her to pick and choose different events that she wants to bea part of in the community. Kim has sponsored things in HarmonyMiddle School and sponsored things in St. Cloud.

Kim shared that during the lockdown in 2020, she connected withJennifer Abramson who is the community director for Harmony, andthey created the “Anti-Social Ice Cream Social”. Kimand Jennifer went on Facebook and told everybody what the date wasand how to place their order for their ice cream sundaes and whereto pick them up on that date. All of this for every family wasfree. Kim said she will always remember that event. It melted herheart to see so many people so excited and happy.

Why Is St. Cloud Florida Such An Attractive CommunityTo Live In?

Kim was asked by Jeanine what she would say to someone who wasconsidering moving to St. Cloud Florida?  She quickly replied,call Jeanine, and laughed. Kim said there is a lot to enjoy in St.Cloud that people don’t even think of. Take time and explorethis wonderful community.

What is one place to visit or check out in St. Cloud that youwould recommend for people Jeanine asked? Kim said downtown St.Cloud Florida without a doubt. She said they have wonderful littleshops and unique restaurants that you won’t find anywhereelse.

She said her and her husband love this about Saint Cloud becausethey are not chain restaurant type of people. She likes themom-and-pop places and the unique atmosphere that downtown Saint Cloud has to offer.

Jeanine thanked Kim and her company American Health & LifeGroup for being a part of the St. Cloud FL local businessspotlight. She recommends that people listening to this podcasttake advantage of the free policy reviews and compare what Kim canput together for you. The phone call is free.

We hope you enjoyed Jeanine interviewing Kim Kirsch of AmericanHealth & Life Group as our featured St. Cloud FL local businessspotlight. This will continue to be a monthly focus for theDiscover St. Cloud Florida podcast.